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Dance Partner Kiel

62 Results for Dance Partner Kiel

Dance partner (male) JassiB
JassiB is a dance partner (female) from Bordesholm (1,72m, 21 years ) and is looking for a dance partner for Standard.
Dance partner (male) Lila
Dance partner (male) Tanz

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Find your dance partner Kiel

Dancing is not only the most beautiful hobby in the world, but it's also one of the healthiest sports. Moreover, it is an extremely aesthetic and popular sport, as evidenced not only by the annual TV spectacle "Let's Dance." Those who can dance are admired. The TV stars of this show demonstrate how much one can learn in a short time with proper training. And they convey the enthusiasm that comes with growing skills. Nothing is more appealing than gliding across the dance floor with your dance partner. Dancing makes you happy! You undoubtedly have your own favorite dance that you want to learn or one that you already master well. Perhaps you prefer the elegant standard dances, maybe the spirited Latin dances. Or you like it fiery and South American. Your preferences for a dance partner in Kiel are very specific. Maybe you want to take a dance course, or perhaps you are just looking for a dance partner for a dance party or a ball. The dance partner exchange Lass-Tanzen helps you find exactly the dance partner in Kiel that you are looking for!
The dance sports club "Tanzen in Kiel" offers a broad spectrum from Rock'n'Roll to West Coast Swing, from youth to senior dancing, from competitive dancing to wheelchair dancing. Of course, they also provide regular dance courses for standard and Latin, discofox, swing, lindy hop, and tango argentino. The "bsv Kiel" in its diverse dance circles also offers all imaginable dances, including classical standard and Latin dances, mambo, discofox, and line dance. You can also dance at the university, where there are dance courses, dance evenings, and a performance group. And, of course, there are regular ADTV dance schools like Tanzschule Gemind, Tanzschule Knobloch, and Tanzschule Tessmann. Dancing is so delightful that even the police in Kiel not only allow it but even promote it. The Police Sports Club Kiel (PSV) has everything on offer that makes a dancer's heart beat faster. There are dance circles for beginners and advanced as well as for tango argentino. Training sessions are available for both hobby and competitive dancers. Tanzschule Grenke offers salsa in addition to the ten dances of the World Dance Program. Salsa is also available at the "k-system" dance school, which also includes dances like hip hop and breakdance in its program. The dance school "tanzen mitten in Kiel" offers introductory lessons in addition to its course offerings in salsa and discofox.


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